This is not a drill: Mcdo now has milk tea on the menu!


First they introduced different variants of their iced coffee—there was suddenly a sweet black brew and milky blend to choose from. Not only that, they even offered the drink in larger sizes, much to the delight of any one used to pulling off all-nighters.

But then McDo had something else up their sleeve: Milk Tea floats. It makes all the sense—they serve it in Taiwan and Hong Kong anyway, why not make it available to another country crazy about this perfection of a drink?

There are two flavors to choose from: Classic Milk Tea and Wintermelon Milk Tea. It’s also served with a tiny swirl of their classic vanilla soft-serve to make up for the lack of bobba. The regular size is sold at P49, while large is worth P65.

Photo from Hungry Herl on Instagram

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