‘Summer’ of 2019 issa vibe


Music has always been our vessel to express our deepest emotions and more often than not, it helps us cope with life’s painful realities. Everyday we try to verbalize the hardest conversations through music and for the longest time we use it as an escape.

Though, it has been a worry that in today’s reality, there are less and less songs that people can connect with. Songs today try so hard to be catchier and they are often promoted according to the stereotype; instead of highlighting the sensation and emotions the artists actually feel.

But this was not the case for Nadine Lustre’s latest single, “Summer.” Once again, JaDine challenged what is seen as the contemporary standard of creativity and successfully made their craft fit perfectly into their personality. Its music video was even codirected by JaDine’s other half, Nadine herself. It became the perfect testament to just how much Lustre can go deep with her material.


JaDine’s “Summer” music video opened an avenue of interpretations and endless discussions. It lets us deep inside Nadine’s artistic mind.  The entire material was drowned with such strong emotions, that many of us will surprisingly relate to.

It started with James and Nadine set in a parallel universe. We can see Nadine in Spring while James is in Summer setting. He is in a green field with his sword—like a knight ready to be a hero. The first look of the video can be overwhelming as it is filled with so many symbols and representations but the truth is, it is what it is.

It’s no secret that there was a time when Lustre was not exactly in a healthy place, a place where flowers can bloom. The mirrors and the waterfalls’ fluidity and calmness were the reflection of her soul. Seeing James through these mirrors depicts that it is only him who can see her truest, most inner feelings. It also tells us that we only see what they want us to see, but at the same time, they’re giving us these powerful snippets of the real deal of their relationship.


Watching the video just makes you miss the feeling of being genuinely in love. Everything about this music video gives a little view of how real and strong they are as a couple. The way Nadine showed her vulnerability to James, her protector, and yet still managed to bloom into a beautiful field of lavender just shows us how it should be when you are in a commitment.
And as they take on this journey as a couple they realized that both of them were the keys to breaking each other’s barriers making them finally more closer and in sync.

The JaDine tandem is definitely setting the bar high for the future of local music. They never settled for the cliché. The title of the song was “Summer” and yet they didn’t just go with whatever was colorful and vibrant. Instead they opted for subdued colors with a touch of an old film vibe. It gave its viewers a feeling where the mood is just so dreamy and nostalgic.

This single opens up so much interpretation to anyone who hears and sees it. It grants us the freedom to be creative ourselves. Music is supposed to make us feel this way: unique, alive and accepted. Just like JaDine, they never feared going against the norm. They are unique—they have always been.

And now, more than ever, they have never felt more alive, and we are here to accept them for who they are.


Real stories. Real people.

We believe that life isn’t about a binary of ones and zeros – but about the sum of our hopes and dreams, our struggles and heartaches, our tragedies and triumphs.

The things that unite us are far stronger than the things that divide us.

And those stories are why we are alike.

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