On Life’s Passions, Prose, and Purpose – Maja Salvador and Rambo Nunez


Maja Salvador and Rambo Nunez reminisce on past chances, rekindling relationships, and turning passion into business.

A Love Across the Stars

It’s a story that’s been told many, many times. Beauty meets charming prince. The two spend weeks in pure bliss, having the nation witness a fairy tale story, before trotting off into a fairy tale’s sunset.

Not quite, as the two found themselves going their separate ways after a scant few months in 2010.


“Before, it was always work work work,” muses Maja in another interview. She confesses having chosen her showbiz career, parallel to Rambo being busy with business. “I had to be exposed and experience the family business,” shares the young entrepreneur, “I had to learn first-hand the different roles and responsibilities in the company before I finally took over.”

Flash forward 9 years later and the fates conspire to weave their stories together once more. “It felt like our first time out again,” recalls Maja, who by now has a burgeoning career, “it was new yet felt familiar. It felt like…home.” Rambo shares the same sentiment, recalling that it “felt like another chapter of our story, but with a better setting,” and that they could now “afford to set aside time for one another and enjoy together what we both work hard for.” It was time the two quickly put to use getting to rediscover each other.


Beauty and the Best(ie)

Reunited with Maja having a million YT subscribers, and Rambo helming several businesses, the two quickly grew (re)accustomed to each other’s company. Rambo observes that they wouldn’t have worked out as a young couple. “We had bigger priorities that would set us up to where we both are right now,” he quips, “it was by allowing ourselves to grow as individuals, especially for our career and family (that lets us be together).”

Maja goes more personal, stating that Rambo isn’t just a boyfriend, but is a true partner. “Whenever my anxiety kicks in, he’s always there to calm me down, and remind me of my worth.” The beauty multihyphenate shares that some of the things she loves about her dynamic with the business-minded Rambo is that arguments always end in a win-win, and that debate is a welcome occurrence. “Our only weakness right now is maybe that we both tend to be workaholics,” she shares, relating to their joint ventures in the realm of entrepreneurship.

All Work is Play

Rambo believes that he and Maja complement each other in many ways. “I’m more serious and she’s more lively, I’m on the back and she’s in front, I’m the mind and she’s the heart; lastly, my weakness is her strength and vice versa.” In the business world— this makes for a formidable tandem.


Maja, a self-confessed non-business-person, shares that she’s forever grateful to Rambo for teaching her how to manage her finances. “He made it possible for me to realize that my dreams can come true. He gave them form,” she gushes. Rambo’s influence in the world of commerce, in turn, is his mom. “Being raised by a single parent, and as the eldest guy, I’ve always been interested in growing ideas.”


And these ideas have, since 9 years ago, indeed flourished.

Just some of the ventures Rambo helms are: Forthinker Inc. – their family business that deals in Events and PR. “It was started by my mother, Marilen Nuñez, and has been promoting for over 25 years.” A digital marketing company that expands this is Pop Up Digital – which was conceptualized after Rambo’s studies in New York University. “We currently have a niche in Influencer Marketing, Social Media/Community Management and Social Media Placements,” Rambo shares. Related to this is Pop Up Studios, a collaboration with Mike Carandang, which specializes in digital video content.


Arguably Rambo’s crown jewel—or at the very least, unpolished diamond venture is Crown Artist Management – a company he formed together with his beloved, Maja, as well as Mikki Gonzalez. This partnership, much like his and Maja, was forged during the most pressure-driven time of the pandemic. “Our intent was to have an agency to help guide talents in their careers, going with the growing trends of our time.” So far, the two have piloted the pandemic’s stormy waters as apt co-captains. Not that things have always been smooth sailing. The couple are constantly adjusting to balance Maja’s 1.5 million YouTube subscribers, with Rambo’s millions in revenue, for example.

Their advice for would-be entrepreneurs? “Take risks. Nothing truly worth it (in love and business), comes easy. But hard work and focus makes it all worthwhile. The biggest risk is not taking one— just…know who to trust,” Rambo shares, casting a side glance at Maja.


In terms of relationships, Maja reminds people that “Butterflies are always there at the start. That feeling of happiness isn’t meant to last. It comes in waves.” She states that it’s important to find someone who will ride the highs and lows with you, and to “enjoy being single, focus on becoming a better you to become a better partner, and to never compromise.”

Of all things worth waiting for, let that be Love.



Real stories. Real people.

We believe that life isn’t about a binary of ones and zeros – but about the sum of our hopes and dreams, our struggles and heartaches, our tragedies and triumphs.

The things that unite us are far stronger than the things that divide us.

And those stories are why we are alike.

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