A glimpse of Great Deals’ CEO & Founder Steve Sy : In Leading the Digital Industry, Success and Fatherhood
More than a year into the pandemic and Steve Sy’s Great Deals show no signs of slowing. From its 3,000 sqm headquarters in Quezon City, the Great Deals CEO shares how the pandemic and lockdowns couldn’t stop Filipinos from shopping…with their fingers.
“The lockdowns have given us the opportunity to further accelerate the growth of E commerce in the Philippines,” says the entrepreneur, “while traditional retailers were closed down, we continued our business online and made sure products are conveniently available to our fellow Filipinos.” As seen in now-famous fights for toilet paper abroad, much of these hassles were alleviated locally via online solutions. Steve Sy shares that “essential goods moved the most during the pandemic”.
This becomes relevant when one comes to realize that market studies show females as the main drivers of the consumer economy, and Steve himself, knows four of them personally.
A Market of Four
As a father of four beautiful young women, he admits that he dares not ask their opinions on business directly, but “if there would be any specific request they’ll be asking it’s definitely skincare!”
Always the cheerleader/teamleader, he welcomes them to pursue entrepreneurship, “but I don’t push them. Whatever path they want to pursue, I make sure that they would always have my support.” Foremost, he tries to invest in them a deeper appreciation for stewardship of God’s resources. As such, his advice to them probably matches what he tells young go-getters: “Start Small. Start Now. Fail forward.”
Straight from the Daughters
1. Can you share an early memory of your dad (in school, while at work, etc)?
Sophia, 20
I remember my dad playing with us often. Usually, it was the rough games, like playing wrestling. He would always challenge us to face our fears such as jumping from high places. We also loved playing board games a lot. As a kid, I also remember my dad bringing us with him whenever he would go to work, present products to clients, deliver, sell at bazaars, etc. I saw how hardworking he was and how much he liked interacting with different people.
Patricia, 19
An early memory with my dad would be whenever he got home from work he would play a lot with us. He also took us to a lot of dates whether it was staying with him in the office, watching a movie, and eating out!
Bianca, 16
Spending time with us together by playing and wrestling. I also remember the times my dad would bring us to dates with him in a restaurant and when he would bring us flowers on every ballet performance and Valentine’s day.
Celine, 8
When me and dad watched boss baby.
2. What is his biggest influence in your life? What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned from him so far? Please share!
Sophia, 20
I can’t really pinpoint the most valuable lesson that I learned from my dad since the more I spend time with him and grow older the more I admire and learn from him. But I guess a recent lesson that I learned from my dad is how calm he is in handling problems. At home, I don’t see him fear whenever he deals with complicated or unpleasant situations. He is always at peace and immediately thinks of solutions instead of dwelling on the problem. He is also not afraid of swimming in unfamiliar waters and teaches us, his daughters to keep on challenging ourselves to do the same, stepping out of our comfort zone.
Camille, 19
The most valuable lesson that he taught me was always look for the good in people. Growing up, I always saw how he was so friendly and gave the benefit of the doubt. As a skeptical person, he reminded me that relationships with people matter and that “no man is an island”. We may not know what they are going through in their personal lives, but we are able to see that imperfections should not hinder.
Bianca, 16
He influenced me in a way that I’m not afraid to try new things. I can go and learn different things and at the same time not allowing fear to stop me. One of the lessons my dad taught us was to take the harder and narrow path in life. There will be a wide and easy gate but my dad teaches us to go through the thin and narrow gate because only a few find it.
Celine, 8
He showed me that even though you don’t have a lot of money you can still have a great business.
3. If you could ask your dad for anything – what would it be, and why?
Sophia, 20
I guess it would be time. I really enjoy being with my dad. Every day we look forward to dinner because we get to unwind, talk, eat, and spend time with him as a family.
Camille, 19
I would ask for a vacation with him. During vacations with him and my family, we are able to bond more and learn new things about each other. Our meals and conversations are definitely interesting and allows us to have a deeper relationship. Aside from this, we also get to see new things and have a different environment—and of course, more food to eat!
Bianca, 16
More time together because time with him is the best.
Celine, 8
Lots and lots of advice so I can be smart.
4. What are you most looking forward to doing with your father post-covid (or when things normalize)?
Sophia, 20
I look forward to traveling and going on dinner dates with my dad. Pre-covid, I remember asking my dad to bring me out to dinner whenever I feel like sharing what I’m going through with my personal life. I also look forward to traveling with him again. It is such a joy traveling with my dad. He always knows where to go and what to order. I always feel safe and assured whenever I travel with him.
Camille, 19
Of course, EAT! My dad and I have the same taste in food so going to restaurants with him always brightens our mood.
Bianca, 16
Travel around the world with him.
Celine, 8
To date him.
A long overdue beach vacation with his daughters however, will have to wait due to the pandemic. Nonetheless, the father of four has all the time bonding with his girls in the comforts of their home. Whereas “Great Deals’ focus is to do our best in serving the current brands that we have, continue improving and expand our capabilities and be the partner of choice by platforms and brands so now, catering to start-ups is not yet in the horizon.”
A success in his field and the perhaps an icon in the making, Steve has undoubtedly impacted the lives of many Filipinos. But as we take a closer look at his daughters Sophia, Camille, Bianca & Celine – we realize these sentiments are a testimony of the success he’s long had even before he became our nation’s Jack Ma.
He is foremost a father, to four very beautiful and very proud daughters.