Big Wheels Turning: Wheeltek’s Roscoe Odulio


If there’s a man who knows his motorcycles, it’s Roscoe Odulio. And for him, there’s one thing that sticks out about life on wheels in the Philippines: Now more than ever, motorcycling has enabled the Filipino. The result of this is an empowered motorcycling community that has only begun exploring new, exciting possibilities of all these big wheels turning.


As the Vice President of Sales and Marketing of the Wheeltek Group of Companies, Roscoe has seen how the Philippines has ridden through its ups and downs in recent years. “With all the lockdowns in the past, [we saw that] people grew tired of staying home so much and just wanted to get out and travel,” he begins. “They realized that motorcycling was a great way to do that—to go somewhere and interact with people in the open air, at a distance, and just enjoy life again like normal.” This is where Wheeltek’s expertise comes in, being the dealer of the world’s best and most sought-after motorcycle brands. These include Ducati, Harley Davidsons, Honda, Husqvarna, Kawasaki, KTM, Piaggio, Suzuki, Triumph, Tvs, Vespa, and Yamaha.

Leisure, however, isn’t the only area where motorcycling has helped the Filipino. It has direct links to keeping various industries afloat. “The motorcycle delivery industry boomed and actually played a big role in keeping the country’s economy moving,” observes Roscoe. “And it continues even after the lockdowns.” A space with potential that even the government noticed, these activities inspired government-led projects related to “mototourism,” all with the goal of jumpstarting the economy.


Motorcycling Then and Now

For Roscoe, the beauty of this industry’s evolution lies within the Filipino motorcycle community. What we see today, he observes, is very different from what existed a few decades back. He adds: “In fact, there was hardly anything at all that you could call a ‘moto-community.’ All you saw on the roads were some tricycles and the occasional solo rider or maybe a small group of bikers if you’re lucky.”

Then came the shift that Roscoe attributes to many factors chipping in: the rising price of gas, perhaps, coupled with the affordability of the motorbike. He also thinks about the tightening traffic. “Whatever it was, more and more people started riding motorcycles every day,” he says, whether it be for an easier commute or biking for fun. “Slowly but surely, the moto community started taking shape—with races, exhibits, clubs, events, hangouts, stores, and so much more [making up] the community we see today.”


The One Old-School Approach

With all of Wheeltek’s successes, what shines through is Roscoe’s hands-on approach while at the helm.

Regardless of the heights the company has reached, for example, he is the type of leader that makes sure he gets enough face time with motorcycle enthusiasts that support the business. “Take away the business aspect of [this] and you’ll still find me among motorcycle enthusiasts,” he proudly shares. “I love riding. I love motorcycles. I love everything about it. It’s one of the reasons my job is fun: I get to be around bikes I love, people I’m interested in and activities I love to join.”


And this love is rooted in his family’s rich history of being in the motorcycle industry: of thinking in terms of community and passion. Keeping one ear on the ground and mingling directly with his customers are just two things Roscoe learned from his folks. The rest involves heart. “My parents founded this company not only with economics or finances in mind—they put heart and God into it,” he says. “Effort is put into nearly every aspect of the company to make it God-centered, family-oriented, efficient, happy, and successful in its pursuit of the bottom line.”

In other words, for Roscoe: “Our business is not influenced by our family values. It is founded and run on [them].”


Blazing Ahead of the Competition

At Wheeltek, there appears to be a loop of tried-and-tested business moves and well-planned innovations that fuel and feed one another. Case in point: earning the trust and confidence of 16 international brands is no easy feat, but Wheeltek’s solid foundations have equipped Roscoe and his team quite well for the task.

“We have grown to a nationwide scale in 48 years of operations. And we have garnered multiple awards from these brand partners for excellence in performance in many categories,” shares Odulio. “But among all our milestones, one stands out as our proudest: We have built up a family-like, proficient workforce that has brought us to where we are today. What they have achieved for the company is our greatest milestone.”


Then come the new moves in business. Because members of the community are constantly changing, Wheeltek’s business, while built on legacy and tradition, sees the need to change too, to keep up. It isn’t only Big Wheels Turning: A Chat with Wheeltek’s Roscoe Odulio Then come the new moves in business. Because members of the community are constantly changing, Wheeltek’s business, while built on legacy and tradition, sees the need to change, too, to keep up. It isn’t only through the expansion of brands that Roscoe measures progress. “We’ve learned many new things that help us understand better the new norm,” he shares. “We’ve made strides in adjusting to the new competitive landscape and we’ve succeeded in many aspects where other companies have failed.”


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